Preventive Dentistry

"It is better to heal than to prevent"

  • The aim of a preventive programme for adults is to maintain the health of the teeth in order to prevent new cavities or periodontal diseases, but also the early diagnosis of mucosal diseases and especially oral cancer.
  • The aim of a preventive program for children is to avoid the development of caries, first in the new teeth and then in the permanent teeth, and to avoid the development of gingivitis. If either disease has already established itself, the aim of our preventive program is to control and eliminate it.

With our weapons of guidance for proper oral hygiene, dental cleaning and polishing, preventive fillings and clinical radiographic examination, we focus on the prevention and prevention of the development of diseases of the oral cavity.

How can parents help children in the home?

  • With proper brushing of the teeth and flossing
  • Providing them with a balanced diet low in sugar and acids